A talk given in October 1968
by His Divine Grace
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada,
Founder-Acharya of the International Society
for Krishna Consciousness,
at the Hare Krsna center in Seattle.
We are worshiping Govinda, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the
original person. And this song we were just singing-govindam adi-purusam tam aham
bhajami--is reaching Him. He's hearing it. You cannot say He's not hearing it.
Especially in this scientific age, when radio messages are broadcast thousands
and thousands of miles so you can hear them, it is easy to understand how
Govinda, Krsna, can hear your sincere prayer.
Similarly, just as you can see a television picture transmitted from thousands
and thousands of miles away, you can always see Govinda in your heart if you
prepare yourself properly. This is stated in
Brahma-samhita [5.38]:(premanjana-cchurita bhakti-vilocanena santah,
sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti.) There is a television within your
heart; it is not that you have to purchase the television set-it is there
in your heart. And God is also there. You can see Him, you can hear Him,
you can talk with Him, provided you repair the machine. And this repairing
process is Krsna consciousness.
Now, to repair a television an expert technician is required. Similarly, you
require the help of someone expert in the science of Krsna consciousness. Then
the machine in your heart will work and you
will be able to see Krsna.
This is Krsna as Supersoul,or Paramatma,Who Lives
In Every Living entity's Heart,Giving direction,and witnessing every
thing we do!Please Become Aware, that God is in our Hearts!!Hare Krsna!
This is the perfection of yoga.
In the scriptures we hear how one can come to this
perfection: (sadhu-sastra-guruvakya cittete kariya aikya.) Spiritual
realization can be perfected by following three parallel
lines: sadhu (saintly persons who are realized souls),
sastra (authoritative Vedic scriptures), and guru (the spiritual master).
In the railway yard you see two parallel tracks, and if they're in order
the railway carriages go very smoothly to their destination. In Krsna consciousness
there are three parallel lines: association with saintly persons (sadhu),
faith in the scriptures (sastra), and acceptance of a bona fide spiritual
master (guru). If you place your vehicle on these three parallel lines,
it will go directly to Krsna, without any disturbance.
Now, here in the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead,
is explaining Himself. But suppose you say, How can I believe that Krsna said
these words? Somebody may have written them in the name of Krsna." No. Because
the Bhagavad-gita is accepted by saintly persons, we should also accept it.
Beginning from Vyasadeva and Narada, down to many acaryas [spiritual exemplars]
like Ramanujaacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Swami, and Lord Caitanya, all have
accepted Bhagavad-gita: "Yes, it is spoken by God, Krsna." So this is the
proof that Bhagavad-gita is authentic. Saintly persons, sadhus, have
accepted Bhagavad-gita as scripture; therefore it is scripture. That is the test.
This is a common-sense affair. If lawyers accept some book as a lawbook,
then we should understand that it is an authoritative lawbook. You cannot
say, "Why I should I accept this lawbook?" The evidence is that the lawyers
have accepted it. Similarly, if the medical practitioners accept a book as authoritative,
then we should know that it is an authoritative medical book. In the same way,
since saintly persons accept Bhagavad-gita as scripture, you cannot deny that it is
scripture. So these are the two lines of sadhu and sastra, saintly persons
and scripture.
And who is a guru, a spiritual master? He who follows and explains the scripture.
The sadhu confirms the scripture, and the spiritual master follows and explains the
scripture. So sadhu, sastra, and guru are always in agreement. What is spoken in the
scripture, is accepted by saintly persons, and what is spoken in the scripture is
followed and explained by the spiritual master, and he explains only that.
The via media is the scripture, just as in the law court the via media is the lawbook.
So the saintly persons, the scriptures, and the spiritual master: when you follow these
three parallel lines your life is successful.
Now, here in the beginning of the Seventh Chapter of Bhagavad-gita, Krsna
is speaking about yoga. In the first six chapters ,He has explained the constitutional
position of the living entity. Until that is understood, your activities in yoga,
in relation to Krsna, cannot actually begin. Suppose you are working in an office.
If your post is not settled up-if you don't know what duties you have to execute-you
cannot do anything very nicely. The typist, the clerk, the errand boy-they are executing
their work very nicely because they understand their duties. Therefore, to practice yoga
one first has to
understand the constitutional position of the living entity, and that is explained
in the first six chapters of Bhagavad-gita.
So yoga means to understand one's constitutional position and to act in that position.
The first step is controlling the senses (yogam indnriya-samyamah,). Now everyone
is busy gratifying the senses. When you stand on the street, you see that everybody is
very busy. The storekeeper is busy, the motorcar driver is busy-everyone is very busy.
How are they busy? If you minutely study their business, you will find that their
only business is sense gratification. That's all. Everyone is busy trying to
gratify his senses. This is material life. And spiritual life, or yoga, means to
control the senses and understand our constitutional position as spirit souls.
One's spiritual life begins when one asks, What am I? Why have I come here?
Why am I put into so many miserable conditions? Is there any remedy? When
these questions arise, our spiritual life begins. And human life is meant for
answering these questions. Animals do not know anything except sense gratification.
They have no power of understanding; their consciousness is not developed.
For example, in Green Lake Park there are many ducks. As soon as somebody goes there
with a little food, they gather: "Kaa,